
Stephen Myers

Global Brand Ambassador, Ilegal Mezcal

Having graduated from Sydney University with a Bachelor of Agricultural Economics, Stephen then worked for one of the world’s largest FMCG companies. After several years there, including international secondments, Stephen moved to Costa Rica to manage volunteer programs focusing on rural infrastructure development. Working for this non-profit was interrupted by a brief pub-running and rugby-playing interlude in Europe for almost two years.

Upon returning to Central America, Stephen then split his time between managing Cafe No Se in Antigua, Guatemala and the volunteer programs in Costa Rica. At the end of 2005, Stephen moved full-time to Antigua to manage No Se and to develop and found what is now known as Ilegal Mezcal with No Se’s owner John Rexer.

Currently Stephen is the Global Brand Ambassador for Ilegal. His role incorporates opening up new American and international markets as well as creating events, trainings, and education sessions on all things Ilegal and mezcal.


Ilegal Mezcal