Beards are optional if you want to get into charcuterie.
Nick Macri of Southwark (left) & Mark Regan of South Philadelphia Tap Room (right)
Nick Macri is the Sous Chef and Charcutier of Southwark located in the Queens Village neighborhood of Philadelphia. This Canadian from Toronto found his way to Philadelphia on a soccer scholarship to Drexel University. He has since built a reputation as one of Philadelphia’s top meat men. He is the “People’s Champ” when it comes to Bologna, winning the Cochon555 HeritageBBQ Bologna Contest:
On Tuesday, October 9th 2012, Nick Macri promised the guests of his Charcuterie Basics COOK class “even if you don’t learn anything, I promise you will not leave hungry.” Luckily for him, the class was filled with eager DIY at home charcuterie beginners who came prepared with questions. The class included hands-on demos of the techniques behind making terrines and sausages, as well as curing and brining methods.