Have you ever tried to brew your own beer at home? Well, I’ve dabbled in home brewing a few times in the past, and what I’ve definitely learned from the experience is that it is not an easy craft to perfect! It takes more then a few attempts before you are able to control the beer that comes out in the end. And in my case it ended with beer or what ever smelled like beer, all over my ceiling…
Recently at COOK, I meet Dan Berlin, a local home brewer who literally brews out of his home kitchen. Dan’s “Bongo Zeptobrewery” beers were showcased in a few beer pairing dinners with Carmen Cappello of the Moshulu.
Dan has been making beer in his home kitchen for more than four years. He makes everything, from Kolsch to Stout, and brews by a seasonal rotation. Although you still can’t buy his beer at the local stores, they are definitely something worth waiting for or you might be lucky enough to score a seat at his next COOK class.
When I went to visit Dan at his home/brewery/kitchen to see him in action, I learned that all you need is just a little creativity and dedication to make awesome beer at home.
Here are a few photos from that morning.

The start of everything- Grains

working from home- Dan Berlin

using gravity to his advantage- Cooling contraption

Berlin & Bongo the inspiration for the “Bongo Zeptobrewery” name

Dan uses the malt from his beer to make his own unique pickles

Testing & tasting the product – In home brewing its a real art to make the next batch taste the same as the one before it

The view from the kitchen window

Who’s the boss?