New year, new vermouth! Fell to Earth Vermut is a collaboration between Philadelphia’s Bloomsday Cafe and Lancaster County’s Vox Vineti Wines. Each batch is a unique blend, and the latest Batch No. 00009 is a sweet vermouth featuring botanicals from Green Meadow Farm. Shop in-store daily from 11AM to 8PM or reserve online for easy pick up.
The Name
Fell to Earth is a nod to The Man Who Fell to Earth, the David Bowie flick that is a fave of Bloomsday’s Zach Morris and Tim Kweeder. According to Morris, the name evokes a sense of imagery – a man falling to earth, exploring the planet for ingredients.
The Origins
In the early days of the COVID pandemic, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf offered bars and restaurants a lifeline by allowing them to sell cocktails to go. Bloomsday took the opportunity and began experimenting with housemade vermouth. What resulted was their Dumpster Juice series, a rotating line of vermouths made from locally grown or foraged ingredients, helping reduce waste, hence the name. In an extension of their commitment to collaboration and keeping things local, Bloomsday is now collaborating with Vox Vineti Winery in Lancaster County to produce Fell to Earth Vermut.

The Batch
Batch No. 00009 is a sweet vermouth that features ingredients from Green Meadow Farm, including juniper, fig leaf, mugwort, orris, hibiscus and allspice. It’s a gorgeous deep cranberry colored vermouth with a funky finish. Try it on ice with an orange wedge – cheers!